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Corobrik (Pty) Ltd was established in Durban in 1902. From small beginnings, Corobrik has evolved into the major South African manufacturer, distributor and marketer of clay bricks, clay pavers and a range of building materials. With factories around South Africa, Corobrik is geared to distribute in excess of five million products each day, and has a footprint in every major centre throughout South Africa.
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Clairwood Flats in Durban
Robert Storm discovers clay deposits on Clairwood Flats in Durban, and the Storm brothers establish their first brickmaking plant.
The Storm Brothers Brick Works
The Storm Brothers Brick Works was established.
Kimberley Magistrates Court
The first phase of building of the Kimberly Magistrates Court was completed.
Electrically-driven brickmaking
The company’s first electrically-driven brickmaking machines and grinders are installed.
Coronation Brick and Tile Company Limited
The Storm Brothers amalgamation with the Greenwood Park Brick Co. Limited occurred, and the Coronation Brick and Tile Company Limited is formed.
Roof and floor tiles
Coronation diversifies into roof and floor tile manufacture.
Effingham Factory
Increase demand leads to new plant in Effingham Durban with a capacity of 110 million bricks per year.
Corocrete (Pty) Limited is established
Corocrete (Pty) Limited is established, manufacturing a range of pre-cast concrete products and later building blocks, decorative panels and more.
Coronation Industrials is formed
The Tongaat Group Limited acquires a controlling interest in the Coronation Group and Coronation Industrials is formed. Corofill, Corocrete’s lightweight filler block, is launched and becomes a market leader.
42 million bricks a year
South Africa’s most modern face brick factory is opened in Avoca, Durban. Designed to produce 42 million bricks a year, the bricks are handled automatically from extruder to dryer.
75 million bricks per year
A new factory is built at Glencoe, with an annual output of 75 million bricks per year.
New Durban factory
A new factory is constructed in Durban to produce calcium silicate face bricks from stone aggregate and lime.
Corobrik brand is launched
Coronation Brick & Tile is renamed Corobrik and the Corobrik brand is launched.
Tongaat Corogroup Limited
The Tongaat Group Limited acquires control of Primrose Industrial Holdings, followed by a reverse takeover and the name change to Tongaat Corogroup Limited.
Port Elizabeth Brick Company
Acquisition of Port Elizabeth Brick Company.
Vryheid Brick Company
Acquisition of Vryheid Brick Company.
Tongaat Hulett Group Limited
The Tongaat Group Limited merges with Huletts Corporation to form the Tongaat Hulett Group Limited, one of South Africa’s largest industrial groups.
Corobrik acquired Springs II
Corobrik acquired the Springs II factory from Vereeniging Refractories with line capacity of 48 million bricks per year.
Patron of Architecture
The South African Institute of Architects awarded Corobrik the Patron of Architecture for its involvement in and commitment to the promotion of architecture in South Africa.
Corobrik acquires Midrand Factory
Corobrik acquires Midrand Factory from Cullinan Holdings introducing to the Corobrik stable a fully mechanised facility and laboratory.
Corobrik (Pty) Ltd is acquired from the Tongaat Hulett Group Ltd
Corobrik (Pty) Ltd is acquired from the Tongaat Hulett Group Ltd via Management buyout and private investors including Scandinavian Building Materials.
BEE ownership changes
Ownership of Corobrik (Pty) Ltd changes with BEE Entity AKA Capital (Pty) Ltd acquiring 25% of the share capital of the company.
Natural gas firing systems
Corobrik starts its coal to natural gas Fuel Switch Programme at Lawley Factory.
Gauteng Institute for Architects merit award
Vaal Triangle Technikon Residence was completed and Corobrik won a merit award from the Gauteng Institute for Architects for blending two similar coloured bricks for an innovative finish.
Investec shareholding
Investec acquires a major shareholding in Corobrik.
Most technically advanced
The Corobrik Rietvlei factory becomes the most technically advanced and fuel efficient clay brick making operation in South Africa.
Corobrik training courses
Corobrik selected and sponsored by the Department of Labour to develop courses in bricklaying, plastering, tiling, painting and carpentry.
First in Africa to sell carbon credits
Corobrik becomes the first company in Africa to begin selling carbon credits, gained from their savings in carbon emissions due to Lawly factory’s fuel switch programme.
Corobrik Staff Trust
Corobrik was re-organised to facilitate the allocation of 26% of the share capital to the Corobrik Staff Trust for the benefits of all employees.
Construction Centre of Excellence
The Corobrik KZN Building Training Centre was appointed a Construction Centre of Excellence by the Construction Education and Training authority (CETA).
Driefontein factory fuel switch programme
The Corobrik Driefontein factory was awarded its first carbon credits for its fuel switch programme.
42 students get bricklaying and paving skills
The Corobrik Building Training Centre in the Western Cape was sponsored by the Department of Public Works to provide 42 students with bricklaying and paving skills.
KZN Top Business Award
Corobrik is rated the top company in the Mining Category for the FNB KZN Top Business Award. Corobrik is also awarded Level 4 BEE status at 100% procurement recognition level.
Empowerdex Level Three Contributor
Empowerdex Economic Empowerment Rating Agency verified Corobrik as a Level Three Contributor at a 110% Procurement Recognition Level.
Ilembe Concrete Factory
Corobrik purchases the Ilembe Concrete factory, based on the North Coast of Durban - KZN
R800m Kwastina Factory
The commitment made by Corobrik at the South African Investment Conference at Sandton in 2019 has paid off handsomely, with its new Kwastina factory in Driefontein entering full production by the end of March 2022.
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